San Valentino a Montepulciano

rosa gialla



Valentines weekend overnight stay and dinner for two € 180

the room Libeccio room of passion or the Mistral room love

for those who want to stay two nights for the second night it will be made a discount of 20%

bubbles welcome dinner by candlelight with a menu to be given based on your preferences and tastes, from appetizer to dessert with fresh local produce and homemade pasta also includes a bottle of Rosso di Montepulciano .You can attend the preview of wine noble to be held in giorniUva black 14 15 16 February in the Fortress of Montepulciano, the b & b is a short walk from the renowned Sensory Chianciano, 20 km from the thermal Vignone 20 km Rapolano terme 30 km from San Casciano dei Bagni 25 km from the beautiful natural spa Bagni San Filippo thermal baths .A great match preview of Vino Nobile and romantic dinner in a beautiful Tuscan farmhouse b & b at the home of the Assunta

Involtini di verzaravioli fatti a mano          tris arrosti


Uva nera